Women are only good for one thing, you guessed it…… having Babies! And you my friend are “selfish” if you don’t have any!!

In the last few years more and more women have decided they don’t want children. Since then, more and more people have come out and said women who do what children are “Selfish.”
Recently Pope Francis has said that electing not to have kids at all is “a selfish choice.”
The Pope was later asked about his opinion of “traditional families” he answered by advising parents to have children and not pay attention to those who say that overpopulation is the cause of all the problems in the world.


Now, I am not religious nor do I believe in any “God,” but I do believe in respecting someone’s religious choice. With that said, I still believe that people who represent their religion should keep their opinions to themselves.

The Popes dominant Ideology of a person who does not want to procreate is being, “Selfish,” is a stereotype and ridicules!

Philosopher Judith Butler stated in a video in 2012. “We act and walk and speak and talk in ways that consolidate an impression of being a man or being a woman.” Then later goes on to state, “We act as if that being of a man or that being of a women is actually an internal reality or something that is simply true about us, a fact about us, but actually it’s a phenomenon that is being produced all the time and reproduced all the time, so to say gender is per-formative is to say that nobody really is a gender from the start. I know it’s controversial, but that’s my claim.” Just like gender is taught as well as race, growing up believing you have to have babies, is taught as well. This is something either your parents or plain society teach a person.

Not everyone feels an urge to procreate little beings, especially myself. Yes, kids can be amusing at times, but they can also scare the shit out of you (freakin monsters). If everyone is here to reproduce, then what was the propose of creating LGBTQIA+? Huh? What? Gay couple can’t procreate! Well, unless a couple uses surrogates. For example, a (male) gay couple could get a surrogate or a lesbian couple could get impregnated by a sperm donor, but, the other half of the couple doesn’t get to share their genes.
Are you still with me? GREAT!

I am not maternal in the sense that I want to take care of a kid for 18 years. I am just being realistic! I’m not selfish, shallow or just focused on myself. I am not going to “change my mind one day.” I’m not strange as some people perceive me to be and straight people need to stop assuming “that I must be gay.” (As though lesbians don’t have kids!)

These stereotypes commonly represent significant pressure on women who don’t have kids to comply with the traditional standards. “If you don’t want a child, just try it out for size, it won’t hurt!” Oh yeah, If I did want one, then all I have to do is go get one! I am puzzled by this thinking.

If you are struggling to stay afloat, just barely getting by, you may want to really figure out whether or not you want to have a child. Children are a huge expense. “God” isn’t going to take care of your child, the money isn’t going to magically appear from the heavens.

We all have choices and I am choosing not to be like Michelle Duggar on what is it now? 100 kids and counting? I’m choosing not to be the mother on the Bates family, I’m choosing not to be Kris Jenner and have some of the most disgusting children on nation TV (Thank the Fucking Gatos!).

I ‘m not “Selfish,” I am being real. I am going to live my life to the fullest, without kids! So, Pope Francis… No disrespect, but… you can kick rocks!

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